Washington DOH Notifiable Conditions

Results for notifiable conditions are reported either electronically or by fax to the Washington State Department of Health according to WAC 246-101 for UW Medicine patients. A list of notifiable conditions with WA state reporting requirements can be found here. A partial list of tests performed by our laboratory or sent out to external laboratories that specifically detect notifiable organisms or conditions are listed below. In addition to this list, notifiable results may be generated by various culture- or broad-range nucleic-acid based assays that can detect multiple different organisms. Additional ad-hoc (undefined) send-out tests ordered by provider request and approved by the laboratory may generate results for notifiable conditions.

Associated Tests

Code Name Specimen
216 Anaplasma phagocytophilum Antibody, IgG (Sendout) Blood
646 Arbovirus Antibody Panel, IgG and IgM (Sendout) Blood, CSF
291 Babesia microti IgG Antibody (Sendout) Blood
290 Babesia species by PCR, Blood (Sendout) Blood
BABP Babesia Thick and Thin Smear (See separate order for R/O Malaria) Blood
BLDP Blood Parasites Blood
1098 Bone Marrow Fungal Culture (Sendout) Bone Marrow
RBPIGG Bordetella pertussis IgG Antibodies (Sendout) Serum
335 Bordetella Pertussis Panel (Sendout) Blood
260 Borrelia Species by PCR (Sendout) Blood, CSF, Tissue, Synovial Fluid
509 Botulinum Toxin (Sendout) Stool, Food, Serum, Tissue, Swab, Gastri...
RBPRP B. pertussis and B. parapertussis PCR (Sendout) Nasal Swab, Nasal Wash
RBRUTA Brucella Ab, Agglutination (Sendout) Blood
RFEBG Brucella IgG and IgM Antibody Screen (Sendout) Blood
342 Campylobacter Jejuni Antibody (Sendout) Blood
CAPCR Candida auris PCR Screen E swab
RCAURS Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout) Swab
CAQLT Candida auris Qualitative PCR ESwab
AURISC Candida auris Screening Culture Swab
RCPOPC Carbapenemase Producing Organism PCR screen (Sendout) Swab
1061 Chagas Disease Molecular Detection (Sendout) Blood
1001 Chagas Disease Serology (Sendout) Blood
RCHIKV Chikungunya Virus IgG and IgM Antibodies (Sendout) Blood
855 Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Antibody Panel IgG, IgA, IgM (Sendout) Blood
RCLAMS Chlamydia Serology, IgM & IgG (Sendout) Blood
603 Chlamydia Species Culture (Sendout) Endocervical, endourethral, rectal
RCHLAM Chlamydia trachomatis by NAT, Conjunctival (Sendout) Ocular (corneal/conjunctival) Swab
CHLAD Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Amplified Nucleic Acid Detection Vagina, Endocervix, Urethra, Throat, Ana...
RCCOCC Coccidioides Antibodies, CSF (Sendout) CSF
RSCOCC Coccidioides Antibody, for follow-up, CF & ID (Sendout) Blood
RCOXIS Coccidioides Antibody Initial Screen, Reflex to CF & ID (Sendout) Blood
COCDNA Coccidioides DNA detection by PCR Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
RCCJD Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (Sendout) CSF, Cerebrospinal Fluid
CRYDNA Cryptococcus DNA detection by PCR Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
RCCYSC Cysticercosis Antibody, CSF (Sendout) CSF, Cerebrospinal Fluid
RCYSTI Cysticercosis IgG Antibody, Serum (Sendout) Blood
RDFAGM Dengue Fever IgG and IgM Antibody (Sendout) Blood
595 Ebola Virus PCR to Washington State Lab (Sendout) Blood
395 Echinococcus IgG Antibody, Serum (Sendout) Blood
256 Ehrlichia chaffeensis (HME) Antibody, IgG (Sendout) Blood
RCEMPC Encephalitis Meningitis PCR, CSF (Sendout) CSF
RFTUL Francisella tularensis Antibodies (Sendout) Blood
RCFAP Fungal Antibody Panel, CSF (Sendout) CSF
GCCTAD GC (N. gonorrhoeae) and CT (Chlamydia trachomatis) Amplified Nucleic Acid Detection Vagina, Endocervix, Urethra, Throat, Ana...
RGIAR Giardia Antigen, Stool (Sendout) Stool
228 Hantavirus Antibodies, IgG and IgM (Sendout) Blood
681 HBV Basal Core Promoter and PreCore Mutations (Sendout) Blood
HCVSEQ HCV Genotype by Sequencing Blood
HAVIGM Hepatitis A Acute Ab (IgM) Blood
HBB Hepatitis B Battery Blood
HBE Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen and Antibody Blood
HBVQNT Hepatitis B Quantitative Serum, Plasma
HBSS Hepatitis B Surface Antigen & Antibody (HBsAg, HBsAb) Blood
HBSAG Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) with reflex to PCR for REACTIVE Blood
HBSAGX Hepatitis B Surface Antigen without PCR reflex for REACTIVE Blood
1026 Hepatitis B Virus Genotype by Sequencing (Sendout) Blood
HCABX Hepatitis C Antibody without PCR reflex on reactive samples Blood
HCAB Hepatitis C Antibody with Reflex to PCR Blood
HCPCGT Hepatitis C RNA Genotyping by PCR Blood
HCVQNT Hepatitis C RNA, Quantitative Blood
RHEPDA Hepatitis D Antibodies, Total (Sendout) Blood
RHEPDP Hepatitis D Quantitative PCR (Sendout) Blood
RHEVMC Hepatitis E IgM Confirmation (Sendout) Blood
RHEPEA Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies (Sendout) Blood
1041 Hepatitis E Virus RNA Detection and Quantification, Real-Time RT-PCR, Serum (Sendout) Blood
RHIBAG Histoplasma and Blastomyces Antigen, Serum (Sendout) Blood
RUHIBG Histoplasma and Blastomyces Antigen, Urine (Sendout) Urine
HISDNA Histoplasma DNA detection by PCR Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
RHSTG Histoplasma Fungal Serology (Sendout) Blood
HIV12C HIV 1/2 Antibody Confirmation Blood
HV1DNA HIV 1 DNA Assay Whole Blood
HRTABB HIV1 RNA Quantitation Plasma (EDTA)
HIV2VL HIV_2 RNA Quantitation Blood
HVAGAB HIV Antigen and Antibody Screen EDTA plasma
HH8QLT Human Herpes Virus Type 8 by PCR Qualitative Tissue or Cells Tissue Biopsy, Paraffin Tissue, Bone Mar...
PBGP Lead Blood
PBGRP Lead & Zinc Protoporph/Heme Ratio Blood
RULEG Legionella Ag, URN (Sendout) Urine
ULEG Legionella Antigen, Urine Urine
LEGDNA Legionella DNA detection by PCR Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
LEPTS Leptospira Serology (Sendout) Blood
892 Lyme CNS Infection IgG with reflex to Antibody Index (Sendout) CSF and Blood
RLYMIB Lyme Disease Antibody, Immunoblot (Sendout) Blood
RLYMES Lyme Disease Serology w/ Conf (Sendout) Blood
TCSP Lymphocyte subsets, T and B cell counts Blood
TCSNK Lymphocyte subsets, T, B, NK cell counts Blood
MALP Malaria Exam Thick & Thin Smears and Immunoassay Blood
913 Measles Antibody IgM to Washington State Lab (Sendout) Blood
912 Measles PCR to Washington State Lab (Sendout) Nasopharyngeal Swab, Urine
594 MERS PCR to Washington State Lab Blood, Nasopharyngeal, Nasal swab, Oroph...
MPXQLT Mpox Virus Qualitative PCR Swabs in UTM/VTM, CSF, Plasma (heparin i...
TBCDNA M. tuberculosis complex DNA Detection Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
644 Mumps Antibody IgM (Sendout) Blood
643 Mumps PCR to Washington State Lab (Sendout) Buccal Swab, Urine
GCCAD Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Amplified Nucleic Acid Detection Vagina, Endocervix, Urethra, Throat, Ana...
1050 Non-Variola Orthopox (including Monkeypox) (Sendout) Tissue, Swabs, Blood
MAL18S Plasmodium 18S rRNA quantitative RT-PCR assay EDTA blood
RQFVRS Q Fever Antibody Screen, Reflex to Titer (Sendout) Blood
RQFP Q Fever IgG and IgM Antibodies (Sendout) Blood
MTBP Respiratory TB PCR Sputum, Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL), Br...
372 Rickettsia typhi Antibodies, IgG and IgM (Sendout) Blood
453 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Antibodies, IgG and IgM (Sendout) Blood
LEGC R/O Legionella Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity Lower Respiratory
RRPRQG RPR Quantitative (Sendout) Blood
RRPRQ RPR Quantitative (Sendout) Blood
RRUBM Rubella IgM (Sendout) Blood
NCVQLT SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Qualitative PCR nasopharyngeal (NP) or oropharyngeal (OP...
SYPHSC Serologic Syphilis Screen Serum
CYCLOP Stool Auramine Microscopic Exam Stool
RSYPHC Syphilis Serologic Confirmation (Sendout) Blood
TCSA T cell subsets CD3/CD4/CD8, counts Blood
TCS48 T cell subsets CD4/CD8 only, counts Blood
RCFTAG Treponema pallidum Ab, IFA, CSF (Sendout) CSF
TPLDNA Treponema pallidum DNA detection by NAAT Tissue (Fresh frozen or paraffin-embedde...
TPLSWB Treponema Pallidum DNA detection, Mucocutaneous UTM Swab
RTRICH Trichinella IgG Antibody (Sendout) Blood
RTRYPG Trypanosoma cruzi IgG Antibody (Sendout) Blood
RCHAGS Trypanosoma cruzi Total Antibody (Sendout) Blood
RWNVA West Nile Virus Antibody IgG & IgM (Sendout) Blood
RWNVP West Nile Virus by PCR (Sendout) Blood
RVSWNV West Nile Virus IgM Serology (Public Health Cases only) Blood
RCWNP West Nile Virus PCR, CSF (Sendout) CSF, Cerebrospinal Fluid
364 Yersinia pestis Serology (Sendout) Blood
655 Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue Antibody Panel (Sendout) Blood
RZIKM Zika Virus Antibody, IgM (Sendout) Blood
1118 Zika Virus by PCR, Serum (Sendout) Blood
991 Zika Virus by PCR, Urine (Sendout) Urine

Last updated 2025-01-17T17:32:33.323502+00:00