Ordering Requirements: A completed Washington State PHL Serology Requisition (or CDC 50.34 Specimen Submission Form, if sent directly) must accompany all submissions. Providers should coordinate with the LHJ epidemiologists or with the appropriate CDC lab contacts (if sending direct).
Approval: Lab Medicine Resident or Microbiology Fellow approval required. Testing must be coordinated with LHJ epidemiologists or directly with the CDC.
***Order Alert 01/10/2024: This test is currently unavailable at CDC until further notice. Contact the Lab Medicine Resident or Microbiology Fellow on-call to arrange for alternative testing.***
Antibody Detection, EIA, ELISA, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Assay
Substances known to interfere with immunoassays include: bilirubin, lipids, and hemoglobin.
3 mL blood in RED TOP tube or GOLD SST
***01/10/2025: This test is currently unavailable at CDC. Contact the LMR or Micro fellow to arrange for alternative testing.***
Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate, plastic vial. Freeze serum at -20°C.
Sendouts: Samples may be sent to WPHL or directly to the CDC, depending on instruction from the LMR/Micro Fellow.
To CDC via Washington State Public Health Lab:
Direct Submission to CDC:
Stability: Frozen: 8 weeks; Refrigerated: 7 days.
Sendout |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
855-612-7575 1600 Clifton Road NE |
No charge for CDC testing.