Using Our Laboratory Services

Client Support Services

Hours: 24/7 phone support
Tel: 206.520.4600 or 1.800.713.5198
Fax: 206.520.4903
Email: (All emails will be answered within 24 hours, M-F)

For additional contact information, please visit our departmental website.

Specimen Collection

Testing accuracy is inherently dependent upon careful attention to the collection technique and specimen preparation.

  • Please do not send any specimens in glass containers unless specified elsewhere in this Laboratory Test Guide.
  • Please do not leave needles on syringes, as this practice creates an unnecessary hazard to those transporting and receiving specimens and may invalidate results due to exposure to air.
  • Specimens containing a preservative or anticoagulant should be mixed thoroughly.
  • Avoid contamination with normal flora.
  • If swabs are used, they must be placed in approved swab transport devices.
  • See Blood Collection Tubes for detailed description of blood collection tube types.
  • Multiple Tests/Specimen Types: If two or more types of specimens (i.e., serum and plasma) are submitted on one patient, indicate the type of specimen and anticoagulant on each vial. Refer to the Order of Draw with Multiple Tube Collections for the collection procedure and the test(s) found elsewhere in this Laboratory Test Guide for specimen handling specifications.

Lab- and test-specific collection instructions

Search for individual tests for specific collection instructions. See links below for general instructions for selected laboratories and specimen types.

Requisition Forms

Search for and download Laboratory Medicine requisition forms at Clinical Pathology Test Order Forms.

Submission of samples for laboratory testing should be accompanied by the appropriate requisition form. Laboratory procedures are performed ONLY upon a physician's written request. All verbal requests for additional testing on specimens already submitted must be followed by written confirmation within 30 days. CLIA-88, the Joint Commission, and the College of American Pathologists (CAP) require that each requisition form for laboratory services must clearly identify:

  • Patient name, sex, birthdate, include unique I.D. number, and lab reference number.
  • Collection date and time
  • Diagnosis Code
  • Type of specimen submitted, indicate serial and timed collection
  • Patient fasting conditions (if applicable)
  • Interval and total volume of a timed urine collection
  • Source of the specimen if for Microbiology or Virology test(s), or other comments in "comments" box
  • Authorization for laboratory work should include the name of the ordering physician and UPIN in addition to the name and address of the facility to which the results will be sent.
  • Test(s) requested. If the Department of Laboratory Medicine offers a procedure that does not appear on the request form, print plainly the full name of the test desired in the space marked "OTHER REQUESTS".

Complete a separate requisition for each sample and please provide all information on request form. Fold completed request form and place it in the outside pocket of the Specimen Bag. If submitting multiple specimens with different storage temperature requirements, use separate bags and requisitions for each sample. Note any special requests for testing on the requisition form.

How to Send a Specimen

When submitting specimens to the University of Washington Department of Laboratory Medicine, please complete a requisition order form and send it with the specimen.

For information, assistance, or for pre-addressed labels, call 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198.

Labeling Specimens

  • Please affix the patient label vertically with the last name closer to the top end of the tube.
  • Label or tag each specimen in English with at least two of the following: patient name, date of birth, and/or unique I.D. number corresponding to the request form.
  • Use dark, indelible ink. Be sure the label or tag is secure.
  • Use a separate request form for each specimen type or clearly mark specimen types on form.

All specimens must be properly labeled to ensure patient safety and prevent errors in patient diagnosis and treatment based on misidentified labels. Mislabeled/unlabeled specimens will be rejected.

Unacceptable Specimens

  • Specimens that are not labeled.
  • Specimens labeled with a patient name and/or patient identification number different from that on the accompanying laboratory request form.
  • Specimens or requisitions with <2 matching patient identifiers.
  • Improper patient preparation
  • Improper specimen handling in transport to the lab
  • Incorrect specimen container type or preservative used
  • Insufficient quantity of specimen
  • Hemolyzed specimen
  • Contaminated or damaged specimen
  • Needle left on syringe

Whenever an unacceptable specimen is received, the ordering location will be notified of the error and requested to send a new specimen. Re-labeling will not be allowed except in rare instances where recollection may cause undue risk to the patient (e.g., CSF from a lumbar puncture, tissues from a biopsy, or other similarly obtained irreplaceable samples). For these rare cases, a clinical pathologist or designee will have to approve the request.

Shipping Specimens

To avoid specimen rejection because of improper handling and degradation in transit, please follow the specimen requirement instructions in the test menu section of this guide. Any questions should be directed to Client Support Services at 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198. All specimens must be bagged for handling. The request forms must be in a separate compartment or bag.

Clinical Specimens & Biological Substances

Any human or animal material, including but not limited to, excreta, secreta, blood and its components, tissue, and tissue fluids, being shipped for diagnostic or investigational purposes must be packaged and shipped correctly. To determine the proper packaging, see Transport and Packaging of Specimens for details. All specimens prepared for transport to the University of Washington Medical Center or Harborview Medical Center should follow these general instructions. Please follow the appropriate directions whether you intend to use our courier, the bus, airfreight, or mail services (clients should follow any additional guidelines established by the U.S. Postal Service or commercial carrier they are using for the safe transport of biological specimens). All specimens should be considered biohazards and handled accordingly.

NOTE: OSHA requires that all shipments containing clinical specimens be marked with a "Biohazard" label. Labeled bags for shipments sent to Client Support Services will be provided on request. Containers for shipping are also available through Client Support Services at 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198, upon request.

Packaging and Transport

In order to ensure the safety of our couriers, and to make our processing workflow as streamlined and trouble-free as possible, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • All specimens should be contained in sealed plastic specimen bags.
  • The specimen bags should display the Biohazard logo.
  • Each specimen bag should contain enough absorbent material to contain all of the contents of specimen tubes in case of breakage.
  • Each specimen should be accompanied by the corresponding requisition sheet, folded, and placed in the outside pocket of the specimen bag.

Frozen Specimens

Certain specimens must be shipped frozen to maintain the stability of the analyte. Shipping containers should be filled with dry ice to prevent samples from thawing in case of shipping delays. Specimens should be shipped in containers that have been tested, are safe for use with dry ice, and are known to keep samples frozen for at least 48 hours. Do not ship frozen specimens in glass containers unless specified under specimen requirements. Mark the outside of the container with the label: FROZEN MATERIAL - DO NOT THAW.

Refrigerated Specimens

For refrigerated specimens, use the same Styrofoam mailing container as is provided for frozen specimens. Place on a coolant pack and fill the vacant space with any type of packaging material. We request that coolant packs be shipped in plastic bags. Mark the outside of the container: REFRIGERATED MATERIAL - DO NOT FREEZE.

Ambient Temperature Specimens

These specimens do not require special temperature conditions, but should not be allowed to freeze. However, safe specimen transport guidelines must be followed when specimens are submitted.

Radioactive Specimens

Specimens that contain radioisotopes will be accepted for testing only when prior arrangements have been made and the specimens are clearly labeled so as to identify the contaminating isotope, the dose and compound administered to the patient, and the date of administration. To minimize hazards, specimens that are very "hot", e.g. those taken immediately after ablative therapy, may be held until they are less radioactive or they may be analyzed by methods that are not routine in our laboratories. Such options will be discussed with you when you make arrangements to send the specimen.

Courier Services

  • Courier service is provided at no charge in the areas near Auburn, Bellevue, Bellingham, Bothell, Edmonds, Everett, Kent, Kirkland, Mt. Vernon, Olympia, Renton, Seattle, and Tacoma.
  • All fees incurred for specimen transport other than via our courier service are the responsibility of the patient/sending location.
  • Please contact Client Support Services office at (206) 520-4600 or (800) 713-5198 if you intend to use our courier service for non-departmental delivery.
  • The courier route includes bus and air freight depots. Stops are made at Sea-Tac Airport as needed. To schedule a pickup, please telephone us. Stops are made at the Greyhound Bus Terminal in the morning and afternoon, Monday through Friday.
  • See Transport and Packaging of Specimens.
  • There is no STAT courier service

Shipping Addresses for Outside Specimens

The address you select for packages will vary according to the urgency of the package and the time it is sent. Routine specimens for ANY departmental laboratory (including Virology, Toxicology, Immunology, Microbiology, Hematopathology, etc.) may be sent to the address below:

UW Medicine
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
1959 NE Pacific Street, room NW220
Seattle, WA 98195
Tel: 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198

For packages sent by BUS or PLANE, and needing to be picked up, please add:

Call on Arrival 206.520.4600

It is recommended that you notify the Client Support Services Office at 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198 prior to sending packages by bus or plane.

Toxicology Stats

Because some of our laboratories are in separate locations, STAT toxicology specimens may be shipped directly to Harborview Medical Center. Please call 206.744.3451 before shipping STAT specimens.

Harborview Medical Center
Clinical Laboratory, Room GWH47
325 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Call on Arrival - 206.731.3451 RUSH

When sending to this address, please ensure all of the following is done:

  1. Do not send routine specimens to this address.
  2. Mark STAT or RUSH on the outside of the package as well as on the request form.
  3. Include the telephone number on the outside of the package.

Billing Inquiries

Read our billing policies.

Correspondence concerning billing may be sent via First Class Mail to:

Client Support Services
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
P.O. Box 15290
Seattle, WA 98115-0246

Please do not send specimens to this address. For information, assistance, or for pre-addressed labels, call 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198. For emergency assistance on evenings and weekends, call the Laboratory Medicine resident on call at the UWMC Paging Operator, 206.598.6190.

For information, assistance, or for pre-addressed labels, call 206.520.4600 or 800.713.5198.

Last updated 2025-03-21T02:21:18.522179+00:00