Blood Collection Tubes

Blood Samples


Draw sufficient blood with the indicated anticoagulant to yield the required volume of plasma. Separate plasma as soon as possible, preferably by centrifugation. Transfer plasma to a plastic vial and indicate the anticoagulant used on the label. Avoid hemolysis, as some tests are invalidated by hemolysis.


Draw sufficient blood to yield the required volume of serum. Let specimens clot at room temperature unless otherwise specified, and separate serum within one hour, preferably by centrifugation. Transfer serum to a plastic vial unless otherwise specified. Avoid hemolysis, as some tests are invalidated by hemolysis.

Whole Blood

Use the anticoagulant indicated. Indicate the anticoagulant used on the label. Do not allow it to freeze.

Bood Collection Tubes

The following is a list of tubes referred to throughout this Laboratory Test Guide.

ACD (Yellow Top Tube)*

This tube contains acid citrate dextrose (ACD), which is used for special tests using whole blood. Do not substitute the yellow top (SPS) tube. SPS additive interferes with several assays that use ACD blood.

EDTA (Lavender Top Tube)*

This tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant and is used for most hematological procedures. Do not allow to freeze.

EDTA (Pink Top Tube)*

This tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant and is used for blood banking and transfusion service. This tube must be accompanied by requisition following specific patient identification procedures. Please see the test guide or contact the Transfusion Support Lab (TSL).

Lithium Heparin (Green Top Tube)*

This tube is used for the collection of heparinized plasma or whole blood for special tests.

Potassium Oxalate/Sodium Fluoride (Grey Top Tube)*

This tube contains Potassium Oxalate as an anticoagulant and Sodium Fluoride as a preservative used to preserve glucose in whole blood and for some special chemistry tests.

PPT (Pearl Top Tube)*

Plasma Preparation Tube (PPT) with K2EDTA and Gel for Separation, spray-coated K2EDTA Tubes are used for whole blood hematology determinations and immunohematology testing.

PST (Lime Green Plasma Separator Tube)*

This tube contains heparin and plasma gel separator and is used for many different tests. After drawing specimen, invert the tube to mix before centrifuging for 10 minutes. If frozen plasma is required, pour off plasma into plastic vial and freeze. This is used for STAT orders.

QuantiFERON (Gray, Green, Yellow, Red Top set of Tubes)

QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT) comes in a set of four (4) tubes and is used to aid in the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria which causes tuberculosis (TB). Immediately after filling the tubes, shake them ten (10) times just firmly enough to make sure the entire inner surface of the tube is coated with blood. This will dissolve antigens on the tube walls.

Note: Immediately after filling the tubes, shake them ten (10) times just firmly enough to make sure the entire inner surface of the tube is coated with blood.

RTS (Orange Top Tube)*

Rapid Serum Tubes contain a proprietary thrombin-based medical clotting agent and a polymer gel for serum separation. They are used for serum determinations in chemistry.

Serum (Red Top Tube)

This tube contains no anticoagulant. The tube is used for the collection of serum for selected chemistry tests and special immunohematology tests. An SST tube should never be substituted as the gel barrier can interfere with analysis.

Sodium Citrate (Light Blue Top Tube)*

This tube contains sodium citrate as an anticoagulant, used for collection of blood for coagulation studies. This tube needs to be completely filled, the ratio of blood to anticoagulant is critical for valid coagulation results. After the tube has been filled with blood, immediately invert the tube gently several times to prevent coagulation. Reference ranges for coagulation studies are based on tube containing 3.2% buffered sodium citrate.

Sodium Heparin (Royal Blue Top Tube)*

This tube is for lithium ratios only.

Special Tubes

Other tubes for collection of special tests are available upon request. Please contact Client Support Services before collection.

SPS (Yellow Top Tube)*

This tube is for blood cultures (routine and AFB) for Microbiology.

SST Hemogard (5 mL) (Serum Separator Tube) - (Gold Top Tube)

The new preferred SST tube is a plastic 5mL Gold Hemogard (BD#367989) and replaces the plastic 8.5 mL red/black marble top serum separator tube currently in use (BD# 367991). This tube is a serum separator tube with clot activator and barrier gel to separate serum from the clot below. This tube is used for common chemistry panels such as the Basic and Comprehensive Metabolic Panels, Lipid Panel, and Hepatic Function Panel and any individual tests contained in these panels. This tube should not be used for drug analysis since some drugs can bind to the gel and yield incorrect results.

Streck Cell-Free DNC BCT (Brown Brick Top Tube)*

Cell-Free DNA BCT contains the anticoagulant K3EDTA and a cell preservative in a liquid medium. Cell-Free DNA BCT stabilizes cell-free plasma DNA as well as preserves cellular genomic DNA present in nucleated blood cells and circulating epithelial cells (tumor cells) found in whole blood. Tube must be accompanied with requisition specific to this test.

*Note: After the tube has been filled with blood, immediately invert the tube gently several times to prevent coagulation.

Last updated 2025-03-20T22:54:20.225127+00:00