Virology Specimen Collection

Please contact the virology lab at (206) 685-8037 for questions about collection and handling of virology specimens. Most PCR or culture samples should be held at 4 o C and arrive in the lab within 24 hours of collection.

Nasopharyngeal Swab

Gently insert mini-tipped flocked nasopharyngeal swab (swab on flexible plastic shaft) through the nostril and into the nasopharynx, reaching the posterior nasopharynx. Gently rotate swab, remove, and break or cut the swab off into universal transport media (UTM). Make sure the swab is fully immersed in the UTM, and that the shaft is short enough to completely tighten the cap. Send to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Sputum, BAL, Bronchial Washes and Tracheal Aspirates

These specimens should be placed in sterile containers. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Throat Swab

Rub regular sized flocked swab over posterior pharynx or both tonsillar fossae. In cases of mumps, swab the inflamed orifices of Stenson’s ducts. Swabs should be vigorously rubbed over any open lesions in mouth or throat. Break or cut the swab off into universal transport media (UTM). Make sure the swab is fully immersed in the UTM, and that the shaft is short enough to completely tighten the cap. Send to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Rectal Swab

Gently insert regular flocked swab into rectum enough to dirty it. Break or cut the swab off into universal transport media (UTM). Make sure the swab is fully immersed in the UTM, and that the shaft is short enough to completely tighten the cap. Send to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Conjunctiva (Eye) Swab

Evert the lower eyelid and gently rub the conjunctival surface with mini-tipped flocked swab. Swabbing pus collection in corner of eyes is not adequate. Break or cut the swab off into universal transport media (UTM). Make sure the swab is fully immersed in the UTM, and that the shaft is short enough to completely tighten the cap. Send to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.


Collect 5-10 grams of stool in clean container. Maintain at 2-8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.


Clean catch should be collected in sterile container. First morning voids usually contain the highest titers of virus. Maintain at 2-8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)

Collect in sterile container. Do not dilute in universal transport media (UTM). Maintain at 2-8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Miscellaneous Body Fluids

The general rule is all body fluids should be collected in sterile containers, without universal transport media (UTM). Maintain at 2-8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.


Vesicular-pustular lesions should be opened with a scalpel blade and vigorously swabbed with a regular or mini-tipped flocked swab or dacron-tipped swab. Macular lesions do not yield high viral titers. Break or cut the swab off into universal transport media (UTM). Make sure the swab is fully immersed in the UTM, and that the shaft is short enough to completely tighten the cap. Send to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain at 2 – 8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Tissue Specimens

Place small pieces of tissue in universal transport media (UTM) or sterile PBS. Do NOT add the flocked swab to the transport media. Large pieces may be transported in dry sterile container, as long as the specimen will be moist when it arrives in the laboratory. Maintain at 2-8°C before and during transport to the laboratory.

Bone Marrow

Collect Bone marrow in an EDTA tube. Do not use Heparin, it is inhibitory to PCR reactions. Maintain at room temperature before and during transport to the laboratory.

Paraffin Fixed Tissues

DO NOT SEND ENTIRE BLOCK. Slice 3-4 slices per test that are 5-50 micron thick and put in sterile tube.

Dried Blood Spots

Use Newborn Screening Card. Fill 1 circle completely with blood (be sure blood soaks through to other side).

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold PLUS (4 tube assay)

Collect 1 mL blood in each tube: one NIL (Grey top), one TB1 Ag (Green top), one TB2 Ag (Yellow top), one MIT (Lavender top). The black mark on the side of tubes indicates the 1 mL fill volume.

Do not under or over-fill. Immediately after filling tubes, shake all four tubes 10 times to ensure that the entire inner surface of the tube has been coated with the blood. Specimen must be incubated within 16 hours of blood draw.

Serological tests

Collect 5 mL blood in GOLD top serum separator tube (SST)

Also acceptable: 5 mL blood in ORANGE top rapid serum tube (RST) or RED TOP tube.

Last updated 2025-03-20T22:27:34.730438+00:00