Hepatitis A Acute Ab (IgM)

General Information

Lab Name
Hepatitis A Acute Ab (IgM)
Lab Code
Epic Name
Hepatitis A Acute Antibody (IgM)

The Qualitative detection of Hepatitis A virus IgM antibody (anti-HAV IgM) in human sera using the FDA approved Abbott ARCHITECT HAVAB-M test two-step chemiluminescent immunoassay.

In the first step, sample, assay diluent, and hepatitis A virus (human) coated paramagnetic microparticles are combined. IgM anti-HAV present in the sample binds to the hepatitis A virus (human) coated microparticles. In the second step, anti-human IgM acridinium-labeled conjugate is added, which binds to IgM anti-HAV. Then pre-trigger and trigger solutions are added to the reaction mixture. The resulting chemiluminescent reaction is measured as relative light units (RLUs).

The presence or absence of IgM anti-HAV in the sample is determined by comparing the chemiluminescent signal in the reaction to the cutoff signal determined from an ARCHITECT HAVAB-M calibration. Specimens with signal to cutoff (S/CO) values ≥ 1.21 are considered reactive for IgM anti-HAV. Specimens with S/CO values of 0.80 to < 1.21 are considered indeterminate and specimens with S/CO values < 0.80 are considered nonreactive.

Acute Hepatitis A, AHS, HABB, HABC, HAS, Hepatitis A antibody



Chemiluminescence Immunoassay

Reference Range
See individual components

Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type

Blood: 5 mL blood in GOLD TOP serum separator tube (SST).

Also acceptable: 5 mL blood in ORANGE TOP rapid serum tube (RST) or RED TOP tube

Requested: 1.0 mL serum
Minimum: 0.5 mL serum


Receiving Instructions

Blood: Specimens may be stored on or off the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel for up to 3 days at room temperature (15-30°C) or up to 7 days at 2-8°C. If testing will be delayed more than 3 days for specimens stored at room temperature or more than 7 days for specimens stored at 2-8°C, remove serum from the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel and store at -20°C or colder. Avoid more than three freeze/thaw cycles.

Outside Laboratories: Specimens may be stored on or off the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel for up to 3 days at room temperature (15-30°C) or up to 7 days at 2-8°C. If testing will be delayed more than 3 days for specimens stored at room temperature or more than 7 days for specimens stored at 2-8°C, remove serum from the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel and store at -20°C or colder. Avoid more than three freeze/thaw cycles.

Unacceptable samples: Cord blood, neonatal specimens, cadaver specimens, heat-inactivated specimens, or body fluids such as saliva, urine, amniotic fluid, or pleural fluid. Specimens with obvious microbial contamination or are grossly hemolyzed.

Misc Sendout


Lab Department
Central Lab Virology(RVIR)
Available STAT?
Performing Location(s)
CL Virology, Renton

1602 Raymond Ave SW

Renton, WA 98057-3356

206-685-6656 opt 4

Billing & Coding

CPT Codes
Interfaced Order Code