Useful for: Evaluating patients with suspected brucellosis.
Test Algorithm: If Brucella antibody screen, IgG and IgM is positive or equivocal, then confirmation will be performed at an additional charge.
Code | Name |
RBRCM | Brucella IgM Antibody Screen |
RBRCG | Brucella IgG Antibody Screen |
RFEBIN | Brucella Antibody Screen Interpretation |
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
This test utilizes antigen derived from Brucella abortus strain W99. However, significant cross-reactivity exists for other Brucella species (except B canis) and, therefore, the assays should not be used to differentiate infection at the species level.
B canis, a rare cause of brucellosis, may not be detected by this method.
Detection of specific IgM or IgG-class antibody to B melitensis and B suis by this method has not been determined.
ELISA tests are intended to be used as a screen only. Positive results should be followed up using an agglutination assay for confirmation. Results must be used in conjunction with symptoms, patient history, and other clinical findings.
B abortus strain RB51 is used for vaccination of animals in the US. There are currently no serologic tests to detect an antibody response to strain RB51 in humans. Per CDC guidelines, routine clinical serology tests for Brucella do not detect an antibody response to strain RB51. Note that other strains besides RB51 may be used for vaccinating animals outside of the US.
3 mL blood in RED TOP or GOLD SST
Outside Laboratories: Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Refrigerate serum.
Stability: Refrigerated (preferred): 14 days; Frozen: 14 days; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due to: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus,
heat-inactivated specimen.
Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Refrigerate serum.
Stability: Refrigerated (preferred): 14 days; Frozen: 14 days; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due to: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus,
heat-inactivated specimen.
Sendout |
Mayo Clinic Laboratories (Superior Drive)
800-533-1710 3050 Superior Drive NW |
Reflex agglutination testing may be performed at additional charge.