Useful For: Screening for presence of IgM-class antibodies to Zika virus. This assay should be used in patients presenting at least 2 weeks post-symptom onset or last possible exposure to Zika virus. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for Zika virus RNA detection should be ordered in patients with less than 2 weeks of symptoms or postexposure. For Zika Virus RT-PCR, refer to separate test guide #991.
Testing Algorithm:
Code | Name |
RZIKMR | Zika Virus IgM Ab Result |
IgM Antibody Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (MAC-ELISA)
Presumptive Zika Positive: IgM-class antibodies to Zika virus (ZIKV) detected. This is a preliminary result and does not confirm evidence of ZIKV infection. Confirmatory testing may be required as determined by your local health department. False-positive results may occur in patients with other current or prior flavivirus infections (eg, dengue virus). For patients with less than 7 days of symptoms or last possible exposure to ZIKV, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for ZIKV on serum and urine is recommended. A positive ZIKV RT-PCR result on either specimen is confirmatory for ZIKV infection.
Other Flavivirus Positive: Antibodies to a flavivirus, not ZIKV, were detected. Consider targeted testing for IgM-class antibodies to dengue and/or West Nile viruses as appropriate, taking into consideration patient exposure and presentation.
Negative: No evidence of IgM-class antibodies to ZIKV. For specimens collected less than 7 days post symptom onset or possible ZIKV exposure, RT-PCR for ZIKV on serum and urine to exclude a false-negative ZIKV IgM result is recommended. For symptomatic patients with travel to dengue endemic areas, testing for IgM antibodies to dengue virus is also recommended.
8 mL blood in RED TOP tube or GOLD SST
Outside Laboratories: Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Freeze serum at -20°C.
Stability: Frozen (required): 30 days; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due to: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus, heat-inactivated specimen.
Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Freeze serum at -20°C.
Stability: Frozen (required): 30 days; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due to: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus, heat-inactivated specimen.
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Mayo Clinic Laboratories (Superior Drive)
800-533-1710 3050 Superior Drive NW |