The highly preferred test for Monkeypox is: Monkeypox Virus Qualitiative PCR (MPXQLT), performed internally at UW Virology.
Rare special requests may indicate this WA DOH send-out for Non-Variola Orthopox viruses. Requires approval from the Microbiology Fellow or Laboratory Medicine Resident on-call.
Lesional specimens must be labeled as "Bio-Alert."
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
Serology testing, if performed: ELISA
Cotton swabs and swabs in media designed for bacterial preservation and/or transport may cause PCR inhibition and should not be used. Use of viral transport media dilutes DNA quantities. Specimens with insufficient human DNA will be resulted as inconclusive.
Blood collection in tubes with either heparin and/or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) may interfere with results. Detection of immunoglobulin M and G antibodies is dependent upon the number of days the specimen was collected post-symptom onset. A previous history of smallpox vaccination or orthopoxvirus exposure may affect result interpretation.
Important: This assay does not distinguish between Orthopoxvirus (e.g. monkeypox, vaccinia, orf, pseudocowpox, and bovine papular stomatitis virus) except variola species. If positive, additional testing at the CDC may be performed.
Prior to Collection: Requires pre-approval from the Laboratory Medicine Resident (LMR) or Microbiology fellow on-call. Contact the LMR via the paging operator at 206-598-6190.
Collection Guidelines: Samples that are positive for Orthopoxvirus spp. via WA PHL testing will be forwarded to the CDC for Monkeypox virus specific testing. Deviations from the below guidance may result in sample rejection or recollection.
Acceptable Sample Types: Lesion material is required for persons with an active lesion or rash. Lesion material includes lesion fluid, lesion roof, lesion tissue, or crust. Use appropriate sterile technique and skin sanitation.
Reject Due To:
Expedite transport to the lab. Samples should be refrigerated or frozen as appropriate within one hour of collection.
Blood: Centrifuge sample in sealed rotors, and then transfer the sealed rotor to a biological safety cabinet. Under the BSC, open the centrifuge rotor and aliquot 1 mL serum (min. 0.5 mL) to a separate plastic vial (preferably with O-ring). Freeze at -20°C.
Storage: Freeze samples (serum, swabs, tissue) at -20°C, preferably within an hour of collection.
SPS: Accession a separate order for each sample type received. At UW-ML or HMC, notify UW-ML or HMC Sendouts immediately. Samples collected at UW-NW should be collected and shipped to WAPHL by SPS.
Transportation Note: Specimens from patients with suspected or confirmed monkeypox are classified as “UN 3373 Biological Substance, Category B” per CDC.
Biosafety: Follow Departmental guidance in MediaLab; consult LMR/Micro Fellow if questions. For patients considered high risk for monkeypox, measures should be taken to minimize the risk of laboratory transmission when testing lesional specimens: Label all lesional specimens with a Bio-Alert sticker.
Stability (Frozen):
Reject Due To:
Sendout |
Washington State Public Health Laboratory
206-418-5400 1610 NE 150th St. |
Samples should be sent to WAPHL for testing. WAPHL will forward to CDC for confirmatory testing, as appropriate.