Useful For: Monitoring of coccidioidomycosis using serum specimens.
Ordering Guidance: Follow-up testing for known positives only. Refer to Coccidioides Antibody Initial Screen, Reflex to CF & ID (Sendout) [RCOXIS] for initial diagnostic testing.
Code | Name |
RSCOCF | Coccidioides Antibody by Complement Fixation |
RSCOCG | Coccidioides IgG Antibody by Immunodiffusion |
RSCOCM | Coccidioides IgM Antibody by Immunodiffusion |
Complement Fixation (CF) and Immunodiffusion (ID)
Reference Values:
Complement Fixation: | Negative | Note: If positive, results are titered. |
Immunodiffusion: | Negative | Note: Results are reported as positive, negative, or equivocal. |
Complement Fixation:
Titer results of 1:2 or higher may suggest active disease; however, titers may persist for months after infection has resolved. Increasing complement fixation (CF) titer results in serial specimens are considered diagnostic of active disease.
The presence of IgM antibodies may be detectable within 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms; however, the antibody may be detected longer than 6 months after infection.
The presence of IgG antibodies parallels the CF antibodies and may suggest an active or a recent asymptomatic infection with Coccidioides immitis/posadasii; however, antibodies may persist after the infection has resolved.
An equivocal result (a band of nonidentity) cannot be interpreted as significant for a specific diagnosis. However, this may be an indication that a patient should be followed serologically.
Over 90% of primary symptomatic cases will be detected by combined immunodiffusion and CF testing.
Cautions: Antibodies (both IgM and IgG) may be present after the infection has resolved.
6 mL blood in GOLD SST or RED TOP tube
Outside Laboratories: Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Refrigerate serum.
Stability: Refrigerated (preferred): 14 days; Frozen: 14 days; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due To: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia.
Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Refrigerate serum.
Stability: Refrigerated (preferred): 14 days; Frozen: 14 days; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due To: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia.
Sendout |
Mayo Clinic Laboratories (Superior Drive)
800-533-1710 3050 Superior Drive NW |