Useful For: This test is used for suspected cases of acute disease.
Ordering Requirements:
Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR)
Buccal Swab: Collect buccal swab specimen and place in viral transport media tube (2-3 mL VTM). Use only synthetic tip swabs (dacron, nylon, polyester) with non-wooden shaft.
Urine: Collect 50 ml urine in sterile screw-capped container.
Washington State Department of Health Specimen Collection and Submission Instructions for Mumps RT-PCR.
Outside Laboratories (Washington State Only): Providers must obtain permission from the local county public health epidemiologist prior to submitting a sample. If sender is unable to complete an electronic order in the WA DOH ETOR portal, the following information is required: ordering provider name and NPI, patient full name, dob, sex, and address.
Refrigerate buccal swab/VTM and urine specimens. Refrigerated samples must be received by WPHL within 72 hrs. Freeze at ≤-70°C if samples are being stored for >24 hours.
Stability: Refrigerated: 72 hours; Frozen (-70°C): Samples >72 hours old; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Sendout |
Washington State Public Health Laboratory
206-418-5400 1610 NE 150th St. |