Test Information: This assay is used in clinically indicated situations such as acute or congenital infections, post-transplant from a donor with confirmed T. cruzi infection, or risk of reactivation due to immunocompromise in patients with chronic Chagas disease. Serological testing is the preferred method to diagnose chronic infection in patients.
Ordering Requirements: A completed Washington State PHL Serology Requisition (or CDC 50.34 Specimen Submission Form, if sent directly) must accompany all submissions. Providers should coordinate with the LHJ epidemiologists or with the appropriate CDC lab contacts (if sending direct).
Approval: Lab Medicine Resident or Microbiology Fellow approval required. Testing must be coordinated with LHJ epidemiologists or directly with the CDC.
***Ordering Alert: Effective 12/09/2024, this test is currently unavailable at the CDC. If testing is requested, contact the Laboratory Medicine Resident or Microbiology Fellow on-call to discuss alternative testing options.***
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Collect 5 mL blood in LAVENDER TOP (EDTA) tube
Also Accepted: PINK EDTA
***Alert: This test is currently unavailable at CDC. Contact the LMR or Micro fellow to arrange for alternative testing.***
Refrigerate whole blood in original collection container.
Sendouts: Samples may be sent to WPHL or directly to the CDC, depending on instruction from the LMR/Micro Fellow.
To CDC via Washington State Public Health Lab:
Direct Submission to CDC:
Stability: Refrigerated (required): 7 days; Frozen: Unacceptable; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Sendout |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
855-612-7575 1600 Clifton Road NE |
No charge for CDC testing.