Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)

General Information

Lab Name
Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)
Lab Code
Epic Name
Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)

Useful For: Identifying Candida auris colonization.

Ordering Requirements:

  • Pre-approval required. Testing must be approved by submitter jurisdiction's Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) coordinator prior to sample submission.
  • Provider must place order electronically in the WA DOH Electronic Test Order and Reporting System (ETOR).

Ordering Note: This test available to UW Medicine patients only. See Candida auris Qualitative PCR [CAQLT] for testing available at UW-MT.

C. auris, Candida auris real time PCR, Candida Screening, Colonization screening



Real-time PCR

Reference Range
See individual components
Ref. Range Notes

Reference Range: Not Detected

Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type

Collection Materials: Nylon-flocked swab (BD Eswab with 1.0 mL Amies Buffer)

Collection Procedure for Single Swabs, Axilla and Groin:

  • Rub both sides of the swab tip over the left axilla skin surface and then the right, targeting the crease in the skin where the arm meets the body.
  • Rub both sides of the groin surface skin at the inguinal crease where the leg meets the pelvic region.
  • Note: Additional patient sampling sites may be considered by WA PHL upon request (Nares, oropharynx, external ear canal, vagina, and rectum).

After collection, promptly submit the sample with a copy of the ARLN electronic order.

  • UWMC Collections: Deliver to UW Montlake SPS (Specimen Processing Services).
  • HMC Collections: Deliver to HMC Microbiology lab.
  • UWNW Collections: Deliver to UW Northwest SPS (Specimen Processing Services).
Requested: 1 swab
Minimum: 1 swab


Receiving Instructions

Refrigerate samples while awaiting transport. Samples should be forwarded to the state lab immediately to allow for testing within 96 hours.


  • RCAUSP (Candida auris PCR Specimen): <enter the specimen type submitted>
    • For Axilla/Groin swabs, enter: SWAB-AX-GROIN.

HMC Microbiology/UW-MT Sendouts:

  • Transport samples on wet ice with a copy of the ARLN order. Ship as Category B.

UW-NW Cross Hospital:

  • Forward samples to UW-MT Sendouts along with a copy of the completed ARLN requisition.

Stability: Refrigerated: Preferred.

Rejection Criteria: Non-HAI approved samples, does not meet Candida auris screening testing criteria, broken transport device, leaking specimen, requisition form/isolate discrepancies.

Misc Sendout


Lab Department
Serology Sendouts(SRSO)
Available STAT?
Performing Location(s)
Sendout Washington State Public Health Laboratory

1610 NE 150th St.
Shoreline, WA 98155

Other Locations/Notes

State of Washington Department of Health, AR Lab Network:

  • Ph: 206-418-5478
  • Fax: 206-364-0072
  • Email:

Billing & Coding

CPT Codes