Useful For:
Test Algorithm: If Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) IgM Antibody Screen is reactive or borderline, Hepatitis E IgM Confirmation (Sendout) [RHEVMC] will be performed.
Code | Name |
RHEIGG | Hepatitis E Virus, IgG |
RHEIGM | Hepatitis E Virus, IgM |
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)-Screening Procedure
Confirmatory IgM, if performed: Line Immunoassay (LIA)
IgG: A negative test result does not exclude the presence of recent hepatitis E infection (<2 month duration), especially in immunocompromised patients. Repeat testing for anti-hepatitis E virus (HEV) IgM and anti-HEV IgG in 1 to 2 months is necessary for diagnosis of recent hepatitis E.
IgM: Despite having a high specificity rate, the positive predictive value of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) IgM antibody screening test may be low (ie, relatively high frequency of false-positive test results) due to low prevalence of acute hepatitis E in the patient population being screened. HEV IgM antibody confirmatory test is helpful and necessary to determine the true infection status of patients with reactive HEV IgM antibody screening test results.
A negative test result does not exclude the presence of recent hepatitis E infection, especially in immunocompromised patients. Repeat testing of serum for anti-HEV IgM in 2 to 4 weeks may be necessary for diagnosis of acute in such patients.
IgG, IgM: Performance characteristics of this assay have not been established for serum specimens that are heat inactivated, icteric, lipemic, hemolyzed, or contain particulate matter.
Collect 3 mL blood in RED TOP tube or GOLD TOP SST
Outside Laboratories: Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate plastic vial. Freeze serum at -20°C while awaiting shipment. Transport samples on dry ice.
Stability: Frozen (preferred): Indefinitely; Refrigerated: 24 hours; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due To: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus.
Centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a separate aliquot. Freeze sample at -20° C.
Stability: Frozen (preferred): Indefinitely; Refrigerated: 24 hours; Ambient: Unacceptable.
Reject Due To: Gross hemolysis, gross lipemia, gross icterus.
Sendout |
Mayo Clinic Laboratories (Superior Drive)
800-533-1710 3050 Superior Drive NW |