Hepatitis B Surface Antigen & Antibody (HBsAg, HBsAb)
General Information
- Lab Name
- Hepatitis B Surface Ag and Ab
- Lab Code
- Epic Ordering
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Antibody
- Description
A Battery of tests for Hepatitis B virus markers in human sera by the FDA approved Abbott Architect test method:
- Quantitative detection of Hepatitis B virus Surface IgG antibody (HBSAb). Results are reported as mIU/mL.
- Qualitative detection of Hepatitis B virus Surface Antigen (HBSAg).
Reactive HBSAg tests are confirmed by neutralization assay at no charge. Confirmed positives are reflexed to Hepatitis B Quantitative [HBVQNT] for final confirmation with an additional charge.
For HBSAg testing without reflex testing, see Hepatitis B Surface Antigen without PCR reflex for REACTIVE [HBSAGX].
For ordering individual battery components:
HBSAb, see Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb) [HBSA].
HBSAg, see Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) with reflex to PCR for REACTIVE [HBSAG].
- Synonyms
- HBV, Hepatitis B Vaccine Screen
- Components
Code Name HBAG Hepatitis B Surface Antigen w/Reflex BSAB Hepatitis B Surface Ab IUAB Hepatitis B Surf Ab Intl Units IN34 Hepatitis B Surf Ag and Ab Interp
- Method
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay
- Reference Range
- See individual components
- Ref. Range Notes
Per manufacture’s package insert protective level of HBSAb is ≥12 mIU/mL.
- Guidelines
Ordering & Collection
- Specimen Type
- Blood
- Collection
All Locations: 2 tubes required if reflex testing is ordered
Preferred: 5 mL blood in GOLD SST tube plus 5 mL blood in PEARL PPT tube
Also acceptable: 5 mL blood in ORANGE RST or RED TOP tube plus a 5 mL PEARL PPT tube for reflexive testing.
Note: If no PEARL PPT is received, any reflexive molecular testing can be done on GOLD SST, LAVENDER or RED TOP Tube that has not been on automated lines. - Handling Instructions
- Quantity
requested: 1.0 mL serum
minimum: 0.5 mL serum
- Processing
GOLD SST tube: Specimens may be stored on or off the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel for up to 3 days at room temperature (15-30°C) or up to 7 days at 2-8°C. If testing will be delayed more than 3 days for specimens stored at room temperature or more than 7 days for specimens stored at 2-8°C, remove serum from the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel and store at -20°C or colder. Avoid more than three freeze/thaw cycles.
PEARL PPT tube: centrifuge within 6 hours of collection and freeze spun PEARL PPT tube at -20°C. Route frozen PEARL tubes to UW SPS -20°C freezer rack 80. [ok to freeze spun pearl top tubes on gel.]
Unacceptable samples: Cord blood, neonatal specimens, cadaver specimens, heat-inactivated specimens, or body fluids such as saliva, urine, amniotic fluid, or pleural fluid. Specimens with obvious microbial contamination or are grossly hemolyzed.
- LIS Dept Code
- Clinical Virology (CVIR)
- Performing Location(s)
Other Virology
206-685-8037Virology Laboratory, Ste 320
1616 Eastlake Ave E.
Seattle, WA 98102 - Frequency
- Monday-Friday
- Available STAT?
- No
Billing & Coding
- CPT codes
- 86706, 87340
- 18719-5
- Interfaced Order Code
- UOW4733