Ordering Recommendation: Not a first-line test for Lyme disease. May be useful if strong suspicion of Lyme disease persists in spite of persistent negative serologic testing. Blood and CSF specimens have poor clinical sensitivity for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi by PCR.
For Lyme Disease Serology testing, refer to Lyme Disease Serology w/ Conf (Sendout) [RLYMES].
Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
Reference Range: Not Detected
Blood: collect 5 mL in LAVENDER TOP (EDTA) tube or GOLD SST
CSF or Synovial fluid: 1 mL fluid in a sterile container
Tissue: Transfer tissue to a sterile container
Outside Laboratories:
Transport samples on dry ice. Indicate the specimen type on the UW requisition.
Unacceptable Conditions: Heparinized specimens, tissues in optimal cutting temperature compound.
Unacceptable Conditions: Heparinized specimens, tissues in optimal cutting temperature compound.
Use the login information directly below for tissue samples only. For other sample types, refer to the information under Misc. Sendout.
Login (Tissue Samples Only):
Test Code | Modifier |
Result-at-entry (Tissue Samples Only):
Component | Enter | Type of Entry |
RARUZN (Test Name) | ;Borrelia Species by PCR (Sendout) | Free Text |
RARUZS (Specimen Type) | TIS | Text Code |
RARUZT (ARUP Test Code) | 0055570 | Numeric |
Sendout |
ARUP Laboratories, Inc.
800-522-2787 500 Chipeta Way |
CPT: 87476