This test must be ordered with an AFB culture with stain (AFBHSC). Exception: outside locations that perform AFB culture may submit sediments of specimens concentrated for AFB culture for testing. This test is reflexively ordered on the first sputum for AFB culture on HMC, UWMC-ML and UWMC-NW patients, except cystic fibrosis patients who have the test performed by request only. Additional tests can be ordered by request as long as the patient has not been on anti-TB medications for longer than 3 days. Reflexive testing is repeated every 28 days on TB negative patients. See also TBCDNA for TB PCR performed at UW-MT Microbiology. For request on FLUIDS or TISSUE see TBCDNA. Specimen deadlines for same day results are 7 AM @UW-MT and 9 AM @HMC. This test detects M. tuberculosis complex DNA. Specimens are concentrated and cultured (see AFBHSC).
Code | Name |
SDES | Specimen Description |
SREQ | Special Requests |
RPT | Report Status |
Nucleic Acid Amplification(Cepheid GeneXpert)
Deep cough or induced sputum specimens, bronchoalveolar lavage, or bronchial washings
Specimen must be refrigerated within 30 minutes and received within 5 days of collection.
Specimens are stored refrigerated until concentrated.
206-744-5858 325 9th Ave, Rm # GWH-47, Seattle, WA 98104-2420 |