HHV6 PCR Quant w/reflex to HHV6 Chromosome Integration

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General Information

Lab Name
HHV6 Qnt w/Reflex Chrom.Integ.
Lab Code
Epic Ordering

The detection and quantitation of Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) by real-time PCR amplification. A positive HHV-6 quantitation (HH6QN) result will reflex to order HHV-6 chromosomal integration and typing (HH6ABC). Droplet Digital PCR partitions a single bulk reaction into ~20,000 individual reactions that are each read as positive or negative for DNA template to provide an absolute quantitation of DNA copies without the use of a standard curve. The result of HHV-6 copies/cell is resulted as a ratio obtained by (HHV-6 copies)/(RPP30 copies/2). If the HHV-6 virus to cell ratio is approximately “one”, results are consistent with HHV-6 chromosomal integration of the virus into the patient cell genome.

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by the University of Washington Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

For HHV-6 Quantitation Testing, see HHV6 Quantitative by PCR [HH6QN].

For HHV-6 Chromosome Integration and Typing, see Human Herpes 6 Virus Chromosome Integration and Typing [HH6ABC].

Herpes Type 6 by PCR, HHV-6, Human Herpes Virus Type 6 by PCR, PCR-HHV6



Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Droplet Digital PCR.

Reference Range
See individual components

Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type
Whole blood

Whole Blood: 5 mL whole blood in EDTA (LAVENDER TOP) tube. Whole blood needed for HH6QN and HH6ABC. Send whole blood at room temperature within 24 hours of collection. DO NOT centrifuge, refrigerate, or freeze whole blood. Note: This sample can be used for HH6QN if no additional plasma/serum was collected. Processing will be done at UW Molecular Virology.

Unacceptable samples: GREEN TOP, RED TOP or GOLD SST tube. DO NOT centrifuge, refrigerate or freeze whole blood.

DNA Specimens: For HH6ABC testing only. Extracted DNA specimens are acceptable given that their DNA concentration is between 50–100 ng/μL with a volume of at least 100 μL. Extracted DNA must be stored at -20/-80°C and transported to the lab frozen.

The lab only accepts isolated or extracted nucleic acid from CLIA-certified laboratories or laboratories meeting equivalent requirements as determined by CAP.

Outside Laboratories: Send whole blood to lab at room temperature. If sample cannot get to the testing laboratory at room temperature within 48 hours send at 2-8°C (ice pack). Samples greater than 48 hours old may be rejected.

Handling Instructions

Send whole blood specimens to the Lab immediately at room temperature.

The Laboratory MUST receive the sample within 48 hours of collection. If sample cannot get to the testing laboratory at room temperature within 48 hours, send whole blood at 2-8°C (ice pack).

Extracted DNA must be stored at -20°C to -80°C and transported to the lab frozen.

requested: 5 mL whole blood
minimum: 1 mL whole blood



Whole Blood: Send whole blood to Molecular Virology Lab immediately at room temperature. The Laboratory MUST receive the whole blood sample within 48 hours of collection. Molecular Virology Lab will separate the whole blood, plasma, and cells.

DNA Specimens: Extracted DNA specimens are acceptable given that their DNA concentration is between 50–100 ng/μl, with a volume of at least 100 μl. Extracted DNA must be stored at -20/-80°C and transported to the lab frozen.

Outside Laboratories: Send whole blood to lab at room temperature. If sample cannot get to the testing laboratory at room temperature within 48 hours, send whole blood at 2-8°C (ice pack).


LIS Dept Code
Virology, Eastlake (EVIR)
Performing Location(s)
Other Virology, Molecular

Virology Laboratory, Ste 320
1616 Eastlake Ave E.
Seattle, WA 98102

Monday and Thursday for HH6QN. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month for HH6ABC.
Available STAT?

Billing & Coding

CPT codes
Interfaced Order Code