Troponin I

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General Information

Lab Name
Lab Code
Epic Ordering

A value of 0.04 ng/mL is the 99th percentile value for a healthy population.

Clinical Interpretation

The 99th percentile concentration for the Beckman High Sensitivity Troponin assay is 0.03 ng/mL. According to current consensus guidelines (Newby 2012), troponin results that exceed the 99th percentile concentration are strongly suggestive of cardiac injury, which can be from many causes (see below for examples). For troponin concentrations 0.40 ng/mL and higher, the underlying cardiac injury is usually a myocardial infarction. Troponin concentrations of 0.04-0.39 ng/mL require serial troponin measurements and clinical correlation to interpret, as further described in the guidelines. Note that a more precise assay was implemented on Dec 1, 2019.

Partial list of non-ischemic causes of elevated troponin (myocardial damage)

  • Heart Failure
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Sepsis
  • Chemotherapy-Associated Cardiac Toxicity
  • Cardiotoxicity of Other Drugs
  • Cocaine Use
  • Infection and Myocarditis
  • Myopericarditis
  • Myocardial contusion

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Troponin (Adapted from Newby 2012, Table 3)

What does an elevated troponin level mean?

  • Elevated troponin is a sensitive and specific indication of myocardial damage, with troponin release from myocytes into the systemic circulation.
  • In and of itself, elevated troponin does not indicate myocardial infarction (myonecrosis due to ischemia); rather, it is nonspecific relative to the etiology of myocardial damage.
  • Troponin elevation occurs in many nonischemic clinical conditions (see above).

When should a troponin level be obtained?

  • Because an elevated troponin concentration is not specific for myocardial infarction, troponin evaluation to rule out myocardial infarction should be performed only if clinically indicated.
  • An elevated troponin level must always be interpreted in the context of the clinical presentation and pre-test likelihood that it represents myocardial infarction.
  • Troponin is recommended for diagnosis of myocardial infarction in chronic kidney disease patients with symptoms of myocardial infarction (regardless of the severity of renal impairment). A rise or fall in troponin values of ≥20% over 6 to 9 h should be used to define acute myocardial infarction in end-stage renal disease patients.

What is the prognostic significance of an elevated troponin level?

  • Troponin elevation imparts a worse prognosis, irrespective of the underlying etiology.
  • For patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, global risk assessment, rather than any single risk marker, best informs prognosis and is preferred to guide therapeutic decisions.
  • Newby LK, et al. ACCF 2012 expert consensus document on practical clinical considerations in the interpretation of troponin elevations: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation task force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012, 60:2427-63. 23154053



Chemiluminescence, Automated Chemistry

Reference Range
See individual components
Ref. Range Notes
Concentration (ng/mL) Interpretation
< 0.04 Normal
0.04 - 0.39 Elevated above the 99th percentile of a healthy population.

Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type

HMC, UW-MT, and UW-NW Onsite Locations & FHCC

Preferred: 4 mL blood in LIME GREEN PST tube

Also Acceptable: 4 mL blood in ORANGE RST, GOLD SST, *RED TOP tube, or *GREEN TOP tube

*If serum or plasma are separated from cells within 2 hours of collection.

If collecting in microtainer tubes, 2 full microtainer tubes are required

Unacceptable: Single microtainer tube


Handling Instructions

The Laboratory MUST receive and process specimen within 2 hours of blood collection.

requested: 1 mL serum or plasma
minimum: 0.5 mL serum or plasma



UW-MT and HMC: Deliver to the Automation Line for immediate testing. If QNS for automation line, centrifuge and deliver to the DxI testing bench.
UW-NW: Centrifuge and deliver to the Chemistry bench.

Note: No add-ons to a specimen that has been stored at room temperature or at 2-8°C for more than 24 hours. Separate serum or plasma from red cells within 2 hours of collection, store at 2-8°C; >24 hrs, freeze serum or plasma at -20°C. Thaw sample only once and recentrifuge prior to testing.


LIS Dept Code
Chemistry, Automated Panels (CHA)
Performing Location(s)
HMC Chemistry, Automated

325 9th Ave, Rm # GWH-47, Seattle, WA 98104-2420

UW-NW Main Lab

UW Medical Center – Northwest
1550 N 115th Street, A200
Seattle, WA 98133

FHCC Fred Hutch Alliance Lab

825 Eastlake Ave, Seattle, WA 98109

UW-MT Chemistry, Automated

Clinical Lab, Room NW220,
University of Washington Medical Center,
1959 NE Pacific street, Seattle, WA 98195

Available STAT?

Billing & Coding

CPT codes
Interfaced Order Code