Elevated serum or CSF anti-neuronal cell antibody levels may help in the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This test should not be mistaken for the assay for anti-neuronal nuclear antibodies (ANNA), which include anti-Hu, Yo, and Ri antibodies. These other tests may be ordered to evaluate some forms of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathies associated with various malignancies, and are not currently performed at the University of Washington (they are send-out tests).
Code | Name |
ANEU | Anti Neuronal Cell Ab |
IINTP1 | Interpretation |
ANMTH | Anti Neuronal Cell Ab Method |
ELISA using stable, isolated neuronal membrane extracts.
Established by testing healthy blood donor samples during method validation in 1987. Confirmed in 2005, 2010, 2012, 2015, and 2018.
3 mL blood in RED TOP or SST tube
Freeze serum at -20°C
Stability: Freezer: Long Term; Refrig: 14 d
206-520-4600 Clinical Lab, Room NW220, |