Gynecologic Oncology (GYNPTH) Pathways

These four pathways are composed of paired tumor-germline testing for patients with gynecological cancers, following the UWMC Gynecological Oncology Pathways. The pathways include one or more tests from the following list, as determined by the agreed-upon diagnostic pathway: BROCA Paired Tumor Panel [BROCOP], targeted KRAS Mutations (DNA) [KRAS], BRAF Mutations [BRAF], MLH1 Promoter Hypermethylation [MLH1MT], Microsatellite Instability [MSI], UW OncoPlex Single Gene [OPG], UW OncoPlex Cancer Gene Panel [OPX], PDL1 IHC (send out).

These diagnostic pathways are defined by tumor type. See links below for testing specifics for each pathway:

Specimen Requirements

Peripheral blood for Tumor Test Comparator Sample [OPCOMP] should be submitted.

Tumor tissue will be acquired by the laboratory.

The test order Gynecological Oncology Pathway [GYNPTH] will be initiated per the tumor type Gynecological Oncology Pathway (see above for diagnostic pathway details).

Requisitions and Contact Information


Instructions: Complete the appropriate requisition(s) and submit according to requisition instructions. The laboratory will start acquiring tissue when a completed requisition is received.

Contact Information

For pathway specific questions, including ordering help, please contact:

For pre-authorization questions, please contact:

For pre-analytical specimen type questions, please contact:

Fax number: (206) 616-4584

Associated Tests

Code Name Specimen
BRAF BRAF Mutations Tumor Tissue, Purified DNA, accompanied ...
BROCOP BROCA Paired Tumor Panel Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tumor T...
KRAS KRAS Mutations (DNA) Tumor Tissue, Purified DNA, accompanied ...
MSI Microsatellite Instability Tumor Tissue, Purified DNA, Bone Marrow,...
MLH1MT MLH1 Promoter Hypermethylation Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded tissue ...
OPCOMP Tumor Test Comparator Sample Peripheral blood
OPX UW OncoPlex Cancer Gene Panel Tumor Tissue, Purified DNA, Bone Marrow,...
OPG UW OncoPlex Single Gene Tumor Tissue, Purified DNA, Bone Marrow,...

Last updated Oct 15, 2024, 16:50